Category: Helpful Hints

  • Things to do online during coronavirus

    Things to do online during coronavirus

    Seems like being locked up has everyone worked up about being bored inside their homes. Sure, you could do all the house chores you’ve been putting off like cleaning your water bottles or shopping on amazon but let’s face it….only one of those things is gonna happen and it isn’t gonna be the water bottle cleanings! However,…

  • Fix Google Plus Auto Backup to [Solved]!

    If you have an Android device and have been frustrated by the inconsistent functionality of Google’s Auto Backup of your photos and videos, you are not alone! Most of the time, the status on the device will read “Backup up…49 left” and be stuck there forever, unless you cheated and disabled backing up over WiFi.…

  • Big Ten tuition for 2015-2016

    As a long overdue update to my previous post regarding big ten tuition costs (, I’ve compiled new information about tuition for the schools in the Big Ten conference. Since last time, the conference has grown so this chart compares the tuition costs across all of the schools in the Big Ten. It was a…

  • How to choose a Strong Password

    Chances are, your passwords are not very good.  Chances are even greater that you use one password over and over again, with minor variations.  Did you know that a good hacker could probably figure out your password in just a matter of minutes and then gain access to: your bank account, your credit card, your…

  • Big Ten Tuition Cost Comparison

    How much does it cost to go to a big ten university?